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SQL includes several parts:

  • DDL: Data Definition Language
  • DML: Data Manipulation Language
  • DQL: Data Query Language
  • DCL: Data Control Language

Data Definition Language

The main functions of DDL contain:

  • Define the schema for each relation
  • Define the domain of values associated with each attribute
  • Define the integrity constraints
  • Define the physical storage structure of each relation on disk
  • Define the indices to be maintained for each relations
  • Define the view on relations

For example,if we want to define a table named branch

    branch_name VARCHAR(20) PRIMARY KEY,
    branch_city VARCHAR(20),
    assets NUMERIC(12, 2)


    branch_name CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    branch_city VARCHAR(30),
    assets NUMERIC(8, 2),
    PRIMARY KEY (branch_name)

Domain types

  • CHAR(n): fixed length character string,with user-specified length
  • VARCHAR(n): variable length character string,with user-specified maximum length
  • INT or INTEGER: integer number
  • SMALLINT: small integer number
  • NUMERIC(p, d): fixed point number with user-specified precision and scale(总共为p位有效位,其中小数点后有d位)
  • FLOAT(n): floating point number with user-specified precision,if n is omitted,the precision is 24
  • REAL: floating point number with user-specified precision,such as 3.14,REAL is equivalent to FLOAT(24)
  • DOUBLE or DOUBLE PRECISION: double precision floating point number
  • NULL: no value
  • DATE: date in the format YYYY-MM-DD,such as 2025-03-01
  • TIME: time in the format HH:MM:SS,such as 12:00:00
  • TIMESTAMP: date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS,such as 2025-03-01 12:00:00

SQL provides various functions for data manipulation and type conversion, though the implementation may vary across different database systems. Here are some examples:

  • String functions:

    • CHAR(n): Convert ASCII code n to character,in Oracle,it is CHR(n)
    • SUBSTRING(str, start, length): Extract substring from position start with given length,in Oracle,it is SUBSTR(str, start, length)
    • LEN(str): Get length of string,in Oracle,it is LENGTH(str)
    • GETDATE(): Get current date and time,in Oracle,it is SYSDATE
    • DATALENGTH(str): Get number of bytes used to represent string
    • CONCAT(str1, str2): Concatenate two or more strings
    • UPPER(str): Convert string to uppercase
    • LOWER(str): Convert string to lowercase
    • LTRIM(str): Remove leading spaces
    • RTRIM(str): Remove trailing spaces
  • Numeric functions:

    • ABS(n): Absolute value
    • ROUND(n, d): Round number to d decimal places
    • CEILING(n): Round up to nearest integer
    • FLOOR(n): Round down to nearest integer
    • POWER(x, y): x raised to power y
    • SQRT(n): Square root
  • Date functions:

    • GETDATE(): Current date and time
    • DATEADD(part, n, date): Add n units to date
    • DATEDIFF(part, date1, date2): Difference between dates
    • YEAR(date): Extract year
    • MONTH(date): Extract month
    • DAY(date): Extract day

Create Table

An SQL relation is define using the CREATE TABLE statement.

    A1 D1,
    A2 D2,
    An Dn,
    (integrity constraint1),
    (integrity constraintk)
  • r is the name of the relation
  • Each Ai is an attribute name in the schema of relation r
  • Di is the data type of values in the domain of attribute Ai
  • integrity constrainti is a constraint on the values of attribute Ai,即完整性约束条件,例如外键约束,主键约束,唯一约束,检查约束等

Integrity Constraints

  • Not NULL: The attribute cannot be NULL

    CREATE TABLE employees (
        employee_id INT NOT NULL,
        first_name VARCHAR(50),
        last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

  • Primary Key: The attribute is the primary key of the relation

    CREATE TABLE departments (
        department_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        department_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

  • Check: The attribute must satisfy a specified condition

    CREATE TABLE products (
        product_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        price DECIMAL(10, 2) CHECK (price > 0)

  • Unique: The attribute must be unique

    CREATE TABLE users (
        user_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE

  • Foreign Key: The attribute must be a foreign key of the relation

    CREATE TABLE orders (
        order_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        customer_id INT,
        FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(customer_id)

  • Default: The attribute must have a default value

    CREATE TABLE settings (
        setting_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
        theme VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'light'

  • Index: The attribute must be indexed

    CREATE INDEX idx_last_name ON employees(last_name);

  • View: The attribute must be a view of the relation

    CREATE VIEW employee_view AS
    SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name FROM employees;

  • Trigger: The attribute must be a trigger of the relation

    CREATE TRIGGER update_stock
        UPDATE products SET stock = stock - NEW.quantity WHERE product_id = NEW.product_id;

Primary key declaration on an attribute automatically ensures not null in SQL_92 onwards, needs to be explicitly stated in SQL_89

Another way to use integrity constraints is

CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id INT,
    primary key (employee_id)

DROP and ALTER Table

Be careful to use the DROP command!!!

Drop Table

the drop table statement is used to delete a table from the database.

DROP TABLE employees;

Alter Table

the alter table statement is used to modify the structure of a table.

the format is

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name data_type;
-- add a new column
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD (column_name data_type, column_name data_type, ...);
-- add multiple columns
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
-- drop a column
ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name data_type;
-- modify the data type of a column
ALTER TABLE employees ADD COLUMN email VARCHAR(100);

Create Index

Index is a data structure that improves the performance of database queries by allowing the database to quickly locate the data without having to scan the entire table.

CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name(attribute_list);
-- unique index
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table_name(attribute_list);
-- drop index
DROP INDEX index_name;


CREATE INDEX idx_last_name ON employees(last_name);

Basic Structure

The select clause

The select clause is used to select the data from the database.

SELECT attribute_list FROM table_name;

such as:

SELECT * FROM employees;

where * is the wildcard character, it means all the attributes.

SQL allows duplicates in relations as well as in query results.

SELECT DISTINCT attribute_list FROM table_name;

where DISTINCT is used to remove duplicates.

the opposite of DISTINCT is ALL, which means all the duplicates are kept.

SELECT ALL attribute_list FROM table_name;

By default, the select clause returns all the attributes of the relation.

The where clause

The where clause is used to filter the data from the database.

SELECT attribute_list FROM table_name WHERE condition;

such as:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > 5000;

Comparison results can be combined using the logical connectives:

  • AND: Both conditions must be true
  • OR: At least one condition must be true
  • NOT: Negates a condition

The BETWEEN operator can be used to specify a range:

SELECT loan_number, amount
FROM loan
WHERE amount BETWEEN 1000 AND 10000 AND branch_name = 'Downtown';

The IN operator can be used to specify a list of values:

SELECT loan_number, amount
FROM loan
WHERE amount IN (1000, 2000, 3000);

The from clause

The from clause is used to specify the table from which to select the data.

SELECT attribute_list FROM table_name1, table_name2, ...;

such as:

SELECT branch_name, branch_city
FROM branch, account
WHERE branch.branch_name = account.branch_name;

This will return a Cartesian product of the two tables.

if there are multiple tables contain the same attribute, we need to use the table name to specify the attribute.

SELECT branch.branch_name, branch_city, account.account_number
FROM branch, account
WHERE branch.branch_name = account.branch_name;

The rename operation

The rename operation is used to rename the attributes of the relation.

SELECT attribute_list AS new_attribute_list FROM table_name;

such as:

SELECT branch_name AS branch, branch_city AS city
FROM branch;

Tuple variables are defined in the FROM clause via the use of the as clause.

SELECT customer_name, T.loan_number, S.amount 
FROM borrower as T, loan as S 
WHERE T.loan_number = S.loan_number 
AND S.amount > 10000;

In SQL, the use of the AS keyword to define the table alias is optional. The alias can be defined directly in the FROM clause without using the AS keyword. Therefore, you can remove the AS keyword, and the code will still work. Here is the code without the AS keyword:

SELECT customer_name, T.loan_number, S.amount 
FROM borrower T, loan S 
WHERE T.loan_number = S.loan_number 
AND S.amount > 10000;


Find the names of all branches that have greater assets than some branch located in city Brooklyn.

FROM branch AS T, branch AS S
WHERE T.assets > S.assets 
    AND S.branch_city = 'Brooklyn';

String operation

fuzzy matching

SQL includes a string-matching operator for comparisons on character strings. Patterns are described using the following two special characters:

  • %: Matches any sequence of characters
  • _: Matches any single character

with this,we can achieve the fuzzy matching.

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE 'S%';

This will return all the employees whose last name starts with 'S'.

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '_o%';

This will return all the employees whose last name has 'o' as the second character.

It should be use in the where clause and must be used in conjunction with the LIKE operator.

other string operations

SQL provides the || operator to concatenate strings.

SELECT 'Hello' || ' ' || 'World';

This will return 'Hello World'.

Converting string from upper case to lower case:

-- output: hello
-- output: HELLO

Ordering the display of results

ordering the display of results is achieved by using the ORDER BY clause.

SELECT attribute_list FROM table_name WHERE condition ORDER BY attribute_name;

We may specify desc for descending order or asc for ascending order, and for each attribute, ascending order is the default.

SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC;

This will return all the employees sorted by salary in descending order.

SET Operations

In SQL, use the set operations including UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT operate on relations as well as correspond to the relational algebra operations \(\cup\), \(\cap\), and \(\setminus\).

Each of the operations including UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT automatically eliminates duplicates. To retain duplicates, use UNION ALL, INTERSECT ALL, and EXCEPT ALL instead.


Find all customers who have a loan or an account or both.

SELECT customer_name FROM borrower
SELECT customer_name FROM depositor;

Find all customers who have both a loan and an account.

SELECT customer_name FROM borrower
SELECT customer_name FROM depositor;

Find all customers who have a loan but not an account.

SELECT customer_name FROM borrower
SELECT customer_name FROM depositor;

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions are used to perform calculations on a set of values(a column) and return a single value.

  • COUNT: Counts the number of rows
  • SUM: Calculates the sum of a set of values
  • AVG: Calculates the average of a set of values
  • MAX: Finds the maximum value
  • MIN: Finds the minimum value

Such as:

SELECT COUNT(*) as total_employees FROM employees;

This will return the number of rows in the employees table.


The COUNT(*) function counts all rows, including those with null values.

But COUNT(attribute_name) function counts only the rows where the attribute is not null.

We can also use COUNT(distinct attribute_name) to count the number of distinct values in a column.

Group By

SELECT branch_name, avg(balance) avg_bal 
FROM account 
WHERE branch_name = 'Perryridge';

在 SQL 中,当你在 SELECT 子句中使用聚合函数(例如 AVGSUM 等)时,所有不在聚合函数中的属性(字段)必须出现在 GROUP BY 子句中。这是因为 SQL 需要知道如何对数据进行分组,以便正确地计算聚合值。

否则在这种情况下,在前面要求了挑出Branch_name,where 中又要求branch_name = 'Perryridge';没什么意义


SELECT branch_name, avg(balance) avg_bal 
FROM account 
GROUP BY branch_name;


The HAVING clause is used to filter the results of a GROUP BY operation.

SELECT branch_name, avg(balance) avg_bal 
FROM account 
GROUP BY branch_name HAVING avg(balance) > 1000;

This will return all the branches whose average balance is greater than 1000.

Summary of Select

Select 语句的完整语法如下:

SELECT <[DISTINCT] c1, c2, > 
        FROM <r1, > 
        [WHERE <condition>] 
        [GROUP BY <c1, c2, > [HAVING <condition>]] 
        [ORDER BY <c1 [DESC] [, c2 [DESC|ASC], ]>] 

[] 表示可选部分


flowchart LR
    A[From] --> B[Where]
    B --> C[Group By / aggregate]
    C --> D[Having]
    D --> E[Select]
    E --> F[Distinct]
    F --> G[Order By]
Note that predicates in the having clause are applied after the formation of groups, whereas predicates in the where clause are applied before forming groups.

Null Values

Null is a special marker used in SQL and was first introduced by E.F. Codd in 1974.

The meaning of null is that the value is unknown or not applicable.

The result of any arithmetic operation involving null is null.

5+null = null

Any comparison involving null is 'unknown', which is neither true nor false.

null = null is unknown


Three-valued logic using the truth value unknown: (true, false, unknown)

  • OR operation:

    • (unknown OR true) = true
    • (unknown OR false) = unknown
    • (unknown OR unknown) = unknown
  • AND operation:

    • (unknown AND true) = unknown
    • (unknown AND false) = false
    • (unknown AND unknown) = unknown
  • NOT operation:

    • (NOT unknown) = unknown
  • = operation:

    • (unknown = unknown) = unknown
  • != operation:

    • (unknown != unknown) = unknown

The predicate IS NULL and IS NOT NULL are used to test for null values.

recall that the primary key of a relation cannot be null.


Find all loan number which appears in the loan relation with null values for amount.

SELECT loan_number
FROM loan

we cannot use = to test for null values,the result will return null.

see as follows:


Null Values in Aggregate Functions

SELECT sum(balance) FROM account;

This will return the sum of the balance of all the accounts.Result is null if there is no non-null values.

All aggregate operations except count(*) ignore tuples with null values on the aggregated attributes.

Nested Subqueries

Nested subqueries in SQL are queries within queries. They allow you to perform more complex queries by embedding one query inside another. This is particularly useful when you need to filter data based on the results of another query.

Basic Structure

A nested subquery is typically found in the WHERE clause of a SQL statement. The subquery is executed first, and its result is used by the outer query.

SELECT column1, column2
FROM table1
WHERE column3 <operator> (
    SELECT column3
    FROM table2
    WHERE condition

the <operator> can be =, !=, >, >=, <, <=, IN, NOT IN, ANY, ALL, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS.

it can also be nested in the FROM clause.

SELECT column1, column2
FROM (SELECT column3 FROM table2 WHERE condition) as subquery;
or in the having clause such as:

SELECT department, AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
FROM employees
GROUP BY department
HAVING AVG(salary) > (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees);

找出每个 [部门平均工资] 大于[所有员工平均工资]的部门。


Find all customers who have both an account and a loan at the bank.

SELECT customer_name
FROM borrower
WHERE customer_id IN (
    SELECT customer_id
    FROM depositor

recall that we can also use the set operation to achieve the same result.

SELECT customer_name
FROM borrower
SELECT customer_name FROM depositor;

Find all customers who have both an account and a loan at the Perryridge branch.

  • query 1:

    SELECT DISTINCT customer_name
    FROM borrower B, loan L
    WHERE B.loan_number = L.loan_number
      AND branch_name = 'Perryridge'
      AND (branch_name, customer_name) IN (
        SELECT branch_name, customer_name
        FROM depositor D, account A
        WHERE D.account_number = A.account_number

  • query 2:

    SELECT DISTINCT customer_name
    FROM borrower B, loan L
    WHERE B.loan_number = L.loan_number
      AND branch_name = 'Perryridge'
      AND customer_name IN (
        SELECT customer_name
        FROM depositor D, account A
        WHERE D.account_number = A.account_number
          AND branch_name = 'Perryridge'

  • query 3:指定名称,将外层的结果传递进去

    SELECT DISTINCT customer_name
    FROM borrower B, loan AS t
    WHERE B.loan_number = t.loan_number
      AND branch_name = 'Perryridge'
      AND customer_name IN (
        SELECT customer_name
        FROM depositor D, account A
        WHERE D.account_number = A.account_number
          AND branch_name = t.branch_name -- branch_name is the same as the branch_name in the outer (Perryridge)

Find the account_number with the maximum balance for every branch.

SELECT account_number, balance 
          FROM account 
        WHERE balance >= max(balance) 
        GROUP BY branch_name 


SELECT account_number, max(balance) 
FROM account 
GROUP BY branch_name 
错误,account_number不是聚合函数的一部分,且没有在group by子句中


-- Select account number and balance from the account table
SELECT account_number AS AN, balance
FROM account A
-- Filter to get accounts with the maximum balance in each branch
WHERE balance >= (
    -- Subquery to get the maximum balance for each branch
    SELECT max(balance)
    FROM account B
    WHERE A.branch_name = B.branch_name
-- Order the results by balance
ORDER BY balance;
SELECT account_number, balance 
FROM account 
GROUP by branch_name 
HAVING balance >= max(balance) 
ORDER by balance 

Set Comparison

Find all branches that have greater assets than some branch located in Brooklyn.

SELECT branch_name
FROM branch
WHERE assets > SOME (
    SELECT assets
    FROM branch
    WHERE branch_city = 'Brooklyn'

Find all branches that have greater assets than all branches located in Brooklyn.

SELECT branch_name
FROM branch
WHERE assets > ALL (
    SELECT assets
    FROM branch
    WHERE branch_city = 'Brooklyn'

SELECT branch_name
FROM branch
WHERE assets > (SELECT MAX(assets) FROM branch WHERE branch_city = 'Brooklyn');

Test for Empty Relations

The exists construct returns the value true if the argument subquery is non-empty.

  • exists \(r\) equal to \(r \neq \emptyset\)
  • not exists \(r\) equal to \(r = \emptyset\)


Find all customers who have accounts at all branches located in city Brooklyn.

 SELECT DISTINCT S.customer_name
 FROM depositor AS S
     (SELECT branch_name
      FROM branch
      WHERE branch_city = 'Brooklyn')
     (SELECT DISTINCT R.branch_name
      FROM depositor AS T, account AS R
      WHERE T.account_number = R.account_number
      AND S.customer_name = T.customer_name)

即挑出的S将满足,Brooklyn所有支行的branch_number减去S有账户的branch_number后,为空。 而由于

\[ A - B = \emptyset \iff A \subseteq B \]



SELECT DISTINCT S.customer_name
FROM depositor AS S
    SELECT *
    FROM branch B
    WHERE branch_city = 'Brooklyn' AND NOT EXISTS (
        SELECT *
        FROM depositor AS T, account AS R
        WHERE T.account_number = R.account_number
        AND R.branch_name = B.branch_name
        AND S.customer_name = T.customer_name

这里有两个not exists,里面的select子句挑出了在Brooklyn中没有某些支行账户的表格,外面的not exists挑出了不存在这一条件的客户; 即 不存在在Brooklyn中不存在账户的客户 ,也就是 在Brooklyn的所有支行都有账户的客户

Test for Absence of Duplicate Tuples

The unique construct tests whether a subquery has any duplicate tuples in its result.


Find all customers who have at most one account at the Perryridge branch.

SELECT customer_name
FROM depositor AS T
    SELECT R.customer_name
    FROM account, depositor AS R
    WHERE T.customer_name = R.customer_name
    AND R.account_number = account.account_number
    AND account.branch_name = 'Perryridge'

Find all customers who have at least two accounts at the Perryridge branch.

SELECT DISTINCT T.customer_name
FROM depositor AS T
      SELECT R.customer_name
      FROM account, depositor AS R
      WHERE T.customer_name = R.customer_name
      AND R.account_number = account.account_number
      AND account.branch_name = 'Perryridge'


A view is a virtual table that is defined by a query. It is a stored query that can be used to simplify complex queries and to provide a consistent view of the data.

Provide a mechanism to hide certain data from the view of certain users.

Create View

CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT attribute_list FROM table_name WHERE condition;
-- or
CREATE VIEW view_name (c1, c2, ..., cn) AS SELECT attribute_list FROM table_name WHERE condition;


Benefits of using views - Security - Easy to use, support logical independence - Simplify complex queries - Hide certain data from the view of certain users

Drop View

DROP VIEW view_name;


Create a view consisting of branches and their customer names.

CREATE VIEW all_customer AS 
    (SELECT branch_name, customer_name 
     FROM depositor, account 
     WHERE depositor.account_number = account.account_number) 
    (SELECT branch_name, customer_name 
     FROM borrower, loan 
     WHERE borrower.loan_number = loan.loan_number)

Derived Relations

In SQL, Derived Relations (derived relations) are created through subqueries (subquery) in the FROM clause. They are typically used to simplify complex queries and make them more readable.

Such as:Find the average account balance of those branches where the average account balance is greater than $500.

SELECT branch_name, avg_bal 
     FROM (SELECT branch_name, avg(balance) 
      FROM account 
      GROUP BY branch_name) 
      as result (branch_name, avg_bal) 
     WHERE avg_bal > 500 

The derived table must have its own alias

With Clause

The WITH clause allows views to be defined locally for a query, rather than globally.

WITH 子句允许在查询中局部定义视图,而不是全局定义。这意味着你可以在一个特定的查询中创建一个临时的视图,这个视图只在该查询的上下文中可用,而不会影响数据库的其他部分。这种方法的好处是可以简化复杂查询,使其更易于阅读和维护,同时避免在数据库中创建永久视图。使用 WITH 子句,你可以在查询中定义多个子查询,并在主查询中引用它们,从而提高查询的可读性和效率。

Such as:Find all accounts with the maximum balance.

WITH max_balance(value) AS (
    SELECT max(balance) 
    FROM account
SELECT account_number 
FROM account, max_balance 
WHERE account.balance = max_balance.value;

Modification of Database


DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

such as: Delete all accounts and relevant information at depositor for every branch located in Needham city.

DELETE FROM account 
WHERE branch_name IN (
    SELECT branch_name 
    FROM branch 
    WHERE branch_city = 'Needham'

DELETE FROM depositor 
WHERE account_number IN (
    SELECT account_number 
    FROM branch B, account A 
    WHERE branch_city = 'Needham' 
    AND B.branch_name = A.branch_name


DELETE FROM account, depositor, branch
WHERE account.account_number = depositor.account_number
AND branch.branch_name = account.branch_name
AND branch_city = 'Needham';


Delete the record of all accounts with balances below the average at the bank.

DELETE FROM account WHERE balance < (SELECT avg(balance) FROM account);

Problem: as we delete tuples from account, the average balance changes.


WITH avg_balance AS (
    SELECT avg(balance) AS avg_bal
    FROM account
to_delete AS (
    SELECT account_number
    FROM account
    WHERE balance < (SELECT avg_bal FROM avg_balance)
WHERE account_number IN (SELECT account_number FROM to_delete);



这句话的意思是:在一个 SQL 语句中,除非外层查询的元组变量(即表的别名或列名)被引入到内层查询中,否则内层查询只会执行一次。

换句话说,如果内层查询不依赖于外层查询的任何变量或条件,那么内层查询会在整个 SQL 语句执行过程中只运行一次,并将其结果用于外层查询的每一行。如果内层查询依赖于外层查询的变量,那么内层查询可能会为外层查询的每一行执行一次。


Add a new tuple to the relation.


INSERT INTO <table|view> [(c1, c2,)] 
      VALUES (e1, e2, ) 
-- or
INSERT INTO <table|view> [(c1, c2,)] 
      SELECT e1, e2,  
INSERT INTO account (account_number, branch_name, balance)
VALUES ('A_9732', 'Perryridge', 1200);

-- or equivalently

INSERT INTO account (branch_name, balance, account_number)
VALUES ('Perryridge', 1200, 'A_9732');

Such as:Provide as a gift for all loan customers of the Perryridge branch, a $200 savings account. Let the loan number serve as the account number for the new savings account.

-- Step 1: insert into account
INSERT INTO account (account_number, branch_name, balance)
SELECT loan_number, branch_name, 200
FROM loan
WHERE branch_name = 'Perryridge';

-- Step 2: insert into depositor
INSERT INTO depositor (customer_name, account_number)
SELECT customer_name, A.loan_number
FROM loan A, borrower B
WHERE A.branch_name = 'Perryridge' AND A.loan_number = B.loan_number;

what? select 200?

在 SQL 中,SELECT 语句可以用于从一个或多个表中提取数据, 并且可以在 SELECT 子句中使用常量值。常量值会被应用到每一行的结果中。


INSERT INTO account (account_number, branch_name, balance)
SELECT loan_number, branch_name, 200
FROM loan
WHERE branch_name = 'Perryridge';

这里的 SELECT loan_number, branch_name, 200 是从 loan 表中选择 loan_numberbranch_name,并且为每一行都插入一个常量值 200 作为 balance。 这意味着对于每一个符合条件的 loan 表中的记录,都会插入一条新的记录到 account 表中,其中 balance 字段的值固定为 200。 这种用法在 SQL 中是合法的,并且常用于在插入数据时为某些字段设置默认值或固定值。

The “select from where” statement is fully evaluated before any of its results are inserted into the relation.


Update the value of an attribute of a tuple.


UPDATE <table | view> 
          SET <c1 = e1 [, c2 = e2, ]> [WHERE <condition>] 

Such as:

UPDATE account 
SET balance = balance * 1.05 
WHERE branch_name = 'Perryridge';


Increase all accounts with balances over $10,000 by 6%, all other accounts receive 5%.

UPDATE account 
SET balance = balance * 1.06 
WHERE balance > 10000;

UPDATE account 
SET balance = balance * 1.05 
WHERE balance <= 10000;
The order is important. 如果顺序反过来,那么有可能一开始没有10000,先更新了,然后就变成10000了,然后又可以增加6%了。

Case Statement for Conditional Updates

The same query as before: Increase all accounts with balances over $10,000 by 6%, and all other accounts receive 5%.

UPDATE account
SET balance = CASE
    WHEN balance <= 10000 THEN balance * 1.05
    ELSE balance * 1.06

Update of view

Example:Create a view of all loan data in loan relation, hiding the amount attribute.

CREATE VIEW branch_loan as 
SELECT branch_name, loan_number 
FROM loan;

Add a new tuple to branch_loan.

INSERT INTO branch_loan 
VALUES (Perryridge, L-307) 

This insertion will be translated into:

VALUES (L-307, Perryridge, null) 

Updates on more complex views are difficult or impossible to translate into updates on the base relations,and hence are not allowed.

Summary of update on view

  • View 是虚表,对其进行的所有操作都将转化为对基表的操作。
  • 查询操作时,VIEW与基表没有区别,但对VIEW的更新操作有严格限制,如只有行列视图(建立在单个基本表上的视图,且视图的列对应表的列,称为“行列视图”。),可更新数据
  • 大多数SQL实现只允许在单个关系上定义的简单视图上进行更新操作,且不包含聚合函数


在 SQL 中,事务(Transaction)是指一系列查询和数据更新语句,这些语句作为一个单一的逻辑单元执行。事务的目的是确保数据库操作的完整性和一致性。事务通常具有以下四个特性,简称为 ACID:

  1. 原子性(Atomicity):事务中的所有操作要么全部完成,要么全部不完成。事务不能只完成其中的一部分。

  2. 一致性(Consistency):事务的执行必须使数据库从一个一致的状态转变为另一个一致的状态。

  3. 隔离性(Isolation):一个事务的执行不能被其他事务干扰。即使多个事务并发执行,在事务之间的操作结果是相互隔离的。

  4. 持久性(Durability):一旦事务提交,其结果就应该永久保存在数据库中,即使系统发生故障。

在 SQL 中,事务通常是隐式启动的,并通过以下两种方式之一来终止:

  • COMMIT WORK:提交事务,将事务中所有的更新永久地保存到数据库中。这意味着事务中的所有操作都被确认并生效。

  • ROLLBACK WORK:回滚事务,撤销事务中执行的所有更新。这意味着事务中的所有操作都被取消,数据库状态恢复到事务开始之前的状态。

通过使用 COMMITROLLBACK,可以控制事务的完成或取消,从而确保数据库的可靠性和一致性,即使在出现错误或系统崩溃的情况下。

Joined Relations

Join operations take as input two relations and return as a result another relation.

Join condition – defines which tuples in the two relations match, and what attributes are present in the result of the join.

Join type – defines how tuples in each relation that do not match any tuple in the other relation (based on the join condition) are treated.

  • 自然连接:自然连接是一种特殊的等值连接,它要求两个关系中所有同名属性都相等,不需要指定连接条件。
R natural {inner join, left join, right join, full join} S 
  • 非自然连接: 需要指定连接条件。
R {inner join, left join, right join, full join} S on condition using (A1, A2, ..., An)


  • 作用:返回两个表中匹配的行。
  • 语法
    SELECT columns
    FROM table1
    INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;


  • 作用:返回左表所有行 + 右表匹配的行(未匹配的右表字段为 NULL)。
  • 语法
    SELECT columns
    FROM table1
    LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;


  • 作用:返回右表所有行 + 左表匹配的行(未匹配的左表字段为 NULL)。
  • 语法
    SELECT columns
    FROM table1
    RIGHT JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;


  • 作用:返回左右表所有行(未匹配的字段为 NULL)。
  • 语法
    SELECT columns
    FROM table1
    FULL OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column;


  • 作用:返回两表的笛卡尔积(无连接条件)。
  • 语法
    SELECT columns
    FROM table1
    CROSS JOIN table2;


  • 作用:将表与自身连接,常用于层级或对称关系查询。
  • 语法
    SELECT a.column, b.column
    FROM table a
    JOIN table b ON a.column = b.column;

JOIN condition


  • 作用:指定任意连接条件(支持多条件和复杂逻辑)。
  • 语法
    SELECT *
    FROM orders
    JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.id;


  • 作用:简化同名列的连接(自动匹配列名)。
  • 语法
    SELECT *
    FROM employees
    JOIN departments USING (dept_id);

JOIN performance optimization

  1. 索引优化
  2. 在连接列(如 dept_id)上创建索引。
  3. 减少数据量
  4. 先通过 WHERE 过滤再 JOIN
  5. 避免笛卡尔积
  6. 确保 CROSS JOIN 是必要且可控的。
  7. 使用 EXPLAIN
  8. 分析查询计划,检查连接顺序和算法(如 Nested Loop、Hash Join)。


JOIN 类型 匹配规则 是否保留未匹配数据
LEFT JOIN 左表全保留 + 右表匹配 左表未匹配行保留
RIGHT JOIN 右表全保留 + 左表匹配 右表未匹配行保留
FULL OUTER JOIN 左右表全保留 左右表未匹配行均保留
CROSS JOIN 无条件,笛卡尔积 不适用